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This function saves specified variables from the global environment to separate .RData files. It allows for optional file prefixing and overwriting of existing files.


  Vars = NULL,
  OutFolder = getwd(),
  Overwrite = FALSE,
  Prefix = "",
  Verbose = FALSE



A character vector specifying the names of the variables to be saved. If NULL or any specified variable does not exist in the global environment, the function will stop with an error.


A string specifying the path to the output folder where the .RData files will be saved. Defaults to the current working directory.


A logical value indicating whether existing .RData files should be overwritten. If FALSE (Default) and files exist, the function will stop with an error message.


A string to be prefixed to each output file name. Useful for organizing saved files or avoiding name conflicts. Defaults to an empty string.


A logical value indicating whether to print a message upon successful saving of files. Defaults to FALSE.


The function is used for its side effect of saving files and does not return a value.


Ahmed El-Gabbas


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
  TMP_Folder <- file.path(tempdir(), stringi::stri_rand_strings(1, 5))

  # ----------------------------------------------
  # Save x1 and x2 to disk
  # ----------------------------------------------
  x1 = 10; x2 = 20

  SaveMultiple(Vars = c("x1", "x2"), OutFolder = TMP_Folder)

  list.files(path = TMP_Folder, pattern = "^.+.RData")

  (x1Contents <- IASDT.R::LoadAs(file.path(TMP_Folder, "x1.RData")))

  (x2Contents <- IASDT.R::LoadAs(file.path(TMP_Folder, "x2.RData")))

  # ----------------------------------------------
  # Use Prefix
  # ----------------------------------------------

  SaveMultiple(Vars = c("x1", "x2"), OutFolder = TMP_Folder, Prefix = "A_")

  list.files(path = TMP_Folder, pattern = "^.+.RData")

  # ----------------------------------------------
  # File exists, no save
  # ----------------------------------------------
  try(SaveMultiple(Vars = c("x1", "x2"), OutFolder = TMP_Folder))

  # ----------------------------------------------
  # overwrite existing file
  # ----------------------------------------------
  x1 = 100; x2 = 200; x3 = 300

  SaveMultiple(Vars = c("x1", "x2", "x3"),
     OutFolder = TMP_Folder, Overwrite = TRUE)

  (x1Contents <- IASDT.R::LoadAs(file.path(TMP_Folder, "x1.RData")))

  (x2Contents <- IASDT.R::LoadAs(file.path(TMP_Folder, "x2.RData")))

     (x3Contents <- IASDT.R::LoadAs(file.path(TMP_Folder, "x3.RData")))
} # }