Save multiple objects to their respective .RData
Source: R/General_SaveMultiple.R
This function saves specified variables from the global environment to
separate .RData
files. It allows for optional file prefixing and
overwriting of existing files.
Vars = NULL,
OutFolder = getwd(),
Overwrite = FALSE,
Prefix = "",
Verbose = FALSE
- Vars
A character vector specifying the names of the variables to be saved. If
or any specified variable does not exist in the global environment, the function will stop with an error.- OutFolder
A string specifying the path to the output folder where the
files will be saved. Defaults to the current working directory.- Overwrite
A logical value indicating whether existing
files should be overwritten. IfFALSE
(Default) and files exist, the function will stop with an error message.- Prefix
A string to be prefixed to each output file name. Useful for organizing saved files or avoiding name conflicts. Defaults to an empty string.
- Verbose
A logical value indicating whether to print a message upon successful saving of files. Defaults to
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
TMP_Folder <- file.path(tempdir(), stringi::stri_rand_strings(1, 5))
# ----------------------------------------------
# Save x1 and x2 to disk
# ----------------------------------------------
x1 = 10; x2 = 20
SaveMultiple(Vars = c("x1", "x2"), OutFolder = TMP_Folder)
list.files(path = TMP_Folder, pattern = "^.+.RData")
(x1Contents <- IASDT.R::LoadAs(file.path(TMP_Folder, "x1.RData")))
(x2Contents <- IASDT.R::LoadAs(file.path(TMP_Folder, "x2.RData")))
# ----------------------------------------------
# Use Prefix
# ----------------------------------------------
SaveMultiple(Vars = c("x1", "x2"), OutFolder = TMP_Folder, Prefix = "A_")
list.files(path = TMP_Folder, pattern = "^.+.RData")
# ----------------------------------------------
# File exists, no save
# ----------------------------------------------
try(SaveMultiple(Vars = c("x1", "x2"), OutFolder = TMP_Folder))
# ----------------------------------------------
# overwrite existing file
# ----------------------------------------------
x1 = 100; x2 = 200; x3 = 300
SaveMultiple(Vars = c("x1", "x2", "x3"),
OutFolder = TMP_Folder, Overwrite = TRUE)
(x1Contents <- IASDT.R::LoadAs(file.path(TMP_Folder, "x1.RData")))
(x2Contents <- IASDT.R::LoadAs(file.path(TMP_Folder, "x2.RData")))
(x3Contents <- IASDT.R::LoadAs(file.path(TMP_Folder, "x3.RData")))
} # }