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This function downloads, processes, and analyzes GRIP global roads data (Meijer et al. 2018). The function calculates the total road lengths and the distance to the nearest road per grid cell (for any road type and per road type).


Road_Intensity(FromHPC = TRUE, EnvFile = ".env")



Logical indicating whether the work is being done from HPC, to adjust file paths accordingly. Default: TRUE.


Character. The path to the environment file containing variables required by the function. Default is ".env".


NULL. The function outputs processed files to the specified directories.


  • The function downloads the most recent version of Global Roads Inventory Project (GRIP) data from the URL specified in the environment variable DP_R_Roads_URL. Original data format is a zipped file containing global road data in the form of fgdb (EPSG:3246).

  • On LUMI HPC, loading the libarchive module is necessary to use the archive R package: module load libarchive/3.6.2-cpeGNU-23.09

  • The distance to roads is calculated by determining the distance from each grid cell to the nearest grid cell that overlaps with a road (not to the nearest road line). Note that this is different from calculating the actual distance to the nearest road line, which is computationally intensive and not performed in this function.


Ahmed El-Gabbas