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This function modifies values in the input object x based on the specified conditions. It can operate on vectors, data.frames, or RasterLayer objects. The function allows for changing values within a specified range (Between), a specified value (MoreThan), or a specified value (LessThan) to a new value (NewVal). An option to invert the selection is also available for ranges.


  Between = NULL,
  MoreThan = NULL,
  LessThan = NULL,
  InvertSelection = FALSE



A vector, data.frame, or RasterLayer object whose values are to be modified.


A numeric vector of length 2 specifying the range of values to be changed or kept. If specified, MoreThan and LessThan are ignored.

MoreThan, LessThan

A numeric value specifying the threshold above/below which values in x will be changed to NewVal. Only applied if Between is not specified.


The new value to assign to the selected elements in x.


A logical value indicating whether to invert the selection specified by Between. If TRUE, values outside the specified range are changed to NewVal. Default is FALSE.


The modified object x with values changed according to the specified conditions.


Ahmed El-Gabbas


# Vector

Range2NewVal(x = seq_len(10), Between = c(5, 8), NewVal = NA)
#>  [1]  1  2  3  4 NA NA NA NA  9 10

   x =  seq_len(10), Between = c(5, 8), NewVal = NA, InvertSelection = TRUE)
#>  [1] NA NA NA NA  5  6  7  8 NA NA

Range2NewVal(x =  seq_len(10), Between = c(5, 8), NewVal = NA, MoreThan = 4)
#>  [1]  1  2  3  4 NA NA NA NA  9 10

# ---------------------------------------------

# tibble

iris %>%
 tibble::as_tibble() %>%
 dplyr::slice_head(n = 50) %>%
 dplyr::select(-Sepal.Length, -Petal.Length, -Petal.Width) %>%
   Sepal.Width.New = Range2NewVal(
       x = Sepal.Width, Between = c(3, 3.5), NewVal = NA,
        InvertSelection = FALSE),
   Sepal.Width.Rev = Range2NewVal(
       x = Sepal.Width, Between = c(3, 3.5), NewVal = NA,
        InvertSelection = TRUE)) %>%
 dplyr::arrange(-Sepal.Width) %>%
 print(n = 50)
#> # A tibble: 50 × 4
#>    Sepal.Width Species Sepal.Width.New Sepal.Width.Rev
#>          <dbl> <fct>             <dbl>           <dbl>
#>  1         4.4 setosa              4.4            NA  
#>  2         4.2 setosa              4.2            NA  
#>  3         4.1 setosa              4.1            NA  
#>  4         4   setosa              4              NA  
#>  5         3.9 setosa              3.9            NA  
#>  6         3.9 setosa              3.9            NA  
#>  7         3.8 setosa              3.8            NA  
#>  8         3.8 setosa              3.8            NA  
#>  9         3.8 setosa              3.8            NA  
#> 10         3.8 setosa              3.8            NA  
#> 11         3.7 setosa              3.7            NA  
#> 12         3.7 setosa              3.7            NA  
#> 13         3.7 setosa              3.7            NA  
#> 14         3.6 setosa              3.6            NA  
#> 15         3.6 setosa              3.6            NA  
#> 16         3.6 setosa              3.6            NA  
#> 17         3.5 setosa             NA               3.5
#> 18         3.5 setosa             NA               3.5
#> 19         3.5 setosa             NA               3.5
#> 20         3.5 setosa             NA               3.5
#> 21         3.5 setosa             NA               3.5
#> 22         3.5 setosa             NA               3.5
#> 23         3.4 setosa             NA               3.4
#> 24         3.4 setosa             NA               3.4
#> 25         3.4 setosa             NA               3.4
#> 26         3.4 setosa             NA               3.4
#> 27         3.4 setosa             NA               3.4
#> 28         3.4 setosa             NA               3.4
#> 29         3.4 setosa             NA               3.4
#> 30         3.4 setosa             NA               3.4
#> 31         3.4 setosa             NA               3.4
#> 32         3.3 setosa             NA               3.3
#> 33         3.3 setosa             NA               3.3
#> 34         3.2 setosa             NA               3.2
#> 35         3.2 setosa             NA               3.2
#> 36         3.2 setosa             NA               3.2
#> 37         3.2 setosa             NA               3.2
#> 38         3.2 setosa             NA               3.2
#> 39         3.1 setosa             NA               3.1
#> 40         3.1 setosa             NA               3.1
#> 41         3.1 setosa             NA               3.1
#> 42         3.1 setosa             NA               3.1
#> 43         3   setosa             NA               3  
#> 44         3   setosa             NA               3  
#> 45         3   setosa             NA               3  
#> 46         3   setosa             NA               3  
#> 47         3   setosa             NA               3  
#> 48         3   setosa             NA               3  
#> 49         2.9 setosa              2.9            NA  
#> 50         2.3 setosa              2.3            NA  

# ---------------------------------------------

# raster


RRR <- raster::raster(system.file("external/test.grd", package = "raster"))

RRR2 <- Range2NewVal(x = RRR, LessThan = 500, NewVal = NA)
RRR3 <- Range2NewVal(x = RRR, MoreThan = 500, NewVal = NA)
par(mar = c(0.5, 0.5, 3, 3))
   raster::stack(RRR, RRR2, RRR3), nr = 1,
   main = c("Original", "<500 to NA", ">500 to NA"))

RRR2 <- Range2NewVal(
   x = RRR, Between = c(1000, 1800), NewVal = 1800, InvertSelection = FALSE)
RRR3 <- Range2NewVal(
   x = RRR, Between = c(1000, 1800), NewVal = 1800, InvertSelection = TRUE)
   raster::stack(RRR>=1000, RRR2, RRR3), nr = 1,
   main = c(">1000 ?", "<500 to NA", ">500 to NA"))